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18 May 2014

"If you hate, you're going to Hell"

I don't usually talk about my dreams, for three reasons. First, I remember almost none of them, and second, the few I remember generally have nothing to do with this blog. Third, there's nothing more boring than listening  to someone  go on about a dream he had.

You're in luck. I can't go on and on, because I can't recall anything about this dream, aill I remember is waking up with a voice n my head saying , "if you hate, you're going to Hell.."

That was a while back. Since I don't trust dreams by themselves, I tested that statement against reason (which may be wrong) and Scripture (which never is).

The Bible tells me that I am to love everyone. If you believe as I do that  the Biblr  is God's word, then disobeying it is the same as disobeying him. To disown God is to rebel against him, which is the same crime Lucifer committed. If he deserves punishment, why doesn't anyone else?

After much study, thought, and prayer, I decked that what I heard in my dream was right.

"If you hate, you're going to Hell."

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