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24 November 2012

A real fan

Oh, is that game today?  I don't know how I forgot, because I really, really love Alabama football.

I'm a huge fan.  Nick Saban's the best.  And all the other coaches ... well, I can't remember any of their names right now, but you know how that goes.  I mean, memorizing a bunch of names isn't nearly as important as really, really loving the Crimson Tide.

My favorite player?  Oh man, how can you pick just one?  They're all great.  I can't narrow it down, because I'm sure if I did I'd leave out somebody important.  I read through the roster that one time, and was just blown away.  I mean, I read through most of it.  I never made it to the end, and I kind of skimmed the middle, but really, come on.  Who are you to judge whether or not I'm a real fan?

No, I haven't been able to watch any of the games this year, but there's been a lot going on.  I've had to work, and do stuff with my kids.  I'm totally raising them to love the Tide too.  They know the team colors and they could say "Roll Tide!" before they could walk.  I told them the most important thing is just being a fan.  It's the tradition that matters, right?

You've never heard me talk about being an Alabama fan before?  Well, I don't like to push it on people.  They have the right to like whatever team they want, though Alabama's definitely the best.  Besides, if I just started up conversations with people, I might offend an Auburn fan or something.  That would be embarrassing, right?

No, I'd rather not come over and watch the game with you.  I'd rather just stay at home and spend time with the Tide my own way.  I'll probably listen to it on the radio or something.  I've got a lot to do that day, and the last time I watched it with someone I got really offended and uncomfortable.  Thanks anyway ... I'm sure you'll have a great time, but it's not for me.

Anyway, I've got to run.  Roll Tide!

What a fan, right?  Anyone believe any of that?  No?  Good.  So why do we believe people who claim to follow Jesus Christ but don't study his Word, spend time with him in prayer, gather together with his church, or pass that faith along to their children and the people they meet?

Hard as it is to believe sometimes, that stuff's even more important than football.

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