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16 September 2014

God the Son

During his life on earth, he was known as Jesus Christ. The first thing to know about that is that "Christ" isn't a name; it's a job title. It's the Greek word for the Hebrew term "messiah", and both words mean "anointed one". He would more properly be "the Christ", but it's not like I'm qualified to correct anyone's grammar.

The Son is the Christ of Christianity. He is the way we obtain forgiveness of our sins. He's easily the most understandable and approachable member of the Trinity, simply because he lived and remains as partially human. He is the point where human and divine meet, and it's significant that the crossover came from God's side, not ours.

He lived the perfect life we couldn't, and died for people who would spit in his face and deny his very existence. This isn't the time or place to discuss all the issues raised by the union of God and man. I can't even understand all the questions, much less the answers.

He died for me even though he didn't have to. That's all I really want to say.

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