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14 November 2014

Don't sleep around

The commandment actually says, "Don't commit adultery", but our culture has so completely lost the meaning of that phrase that I found it necessary to put a different way.

It doesn't just mean you're not supposed to cheat on your husband or wife. It's more than that. Adultery is having sex with another you aren't married to. That includes when you're single as well.

And that still isn't all. Jesus equated lustful thoughts with adultery. Just thinking about it is as bad as doing it. As always, he was spot-on. By the time we sleep with someone, we've rolled it around in our hearts dozens of times. I assume, anyway.

I've never physically cheated on my wife, and I don't think she would cheat on me either. I know we both have in our heads, though.

And that's what matters.

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