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12 December 2014

Barnabas, Silas, and Timothy

A long time ago, I heard a preacher on the radio say we should all eventually have a Barnabas, a Silas, and a Timothy. In other words, we should have someone who's older in the faith who can teach us, someone who can work with us, and someone to whom we can pass everything down. I think I know who mine are.

My Barnbas is Tony Barber, my pastor at Bluff Park Baptist Church. He and I don't always agree, but I can't think of anyone else who's taught me more about being a Christian. I learned to be a pastor by watching him.

As for Silas, I've been blessed with two. Greg Harper and Ryan Burg are very different people, but they both have a very deep concern for reaching the lost. I'm proud either one would have anything to do with me.

My Timothy is named Robert Burgess, an otherwise intelligent young man who for some reason treats me like a role model. Besides, where else am I going to find someone who likes both Star Wars and Charles Spurgeon?

These are mine. Who are yours?

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