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23 January 2015

Three verses always misquoted

Everyone gets things wrong every now and then. However, here are three Bible verses I've never seen or heard as they appear in Scriptrure:

Matthew 3.16: this one is interesting because all four Gospels use the exact same words to describe the way they Holy Spirit descended on Jesus at his baptism: "like a dove." Did he come down in the form of a dove? Maybe; the Bible doesn't say. That's never  stopped anyone, though.

Luke 22.44: I couldn't tell you the number of times I've heard about the great drops of blood Jesus sweat the night before his crucifixion. I've even learned about a medical condition in which great stress makes me body sweat blood. The only problem is that the Bible only says that his sweat was like great drops of blood. I'm not saying all those people were wrong. I'm just saying they read more than was there.

2Corinthians 5.8: This is the verse that started me thinking this way. Someone said "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord",  and I looked it up. Paul actually wrote, "I am willing to be absent from the body and present with the Lord." So am I. It's hard to imagine a Christian who isn't.

Let's be more careful with Scriptrure. We don't need to make it more interesting than it already is.

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