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11 July 2015

Another post you knew was coming

A couple of weeks ago the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that homosexual marriages are equivalent in every way to heterosexual ones. That would make sense if the government had created marriage in the first place. But it didn't.

In fact,what became the United States wasn't even known to Europeans when marriage was invented. Europe wasn't known to Europeans. There weren't even any Europeans back then. There was just God, walking around in a garden with a couple of nudist vegetarians.

At least that's what the Bible says, though not in those exact words. Marriage was created by God, not by man, and last I heard he hadn't changed his mind about it.

As I've said before, you can't prove that homosexuality is right using the Bible. Some people have tried, though. An objection I've heard is that since Jesus never said anything about it, it must be okay. Of course, he never mentioned vandalism or killing baby seals either. Should we all go burn crosses because Jesus Christ didn't say we shouldn't?

Besides, he did speak against homosexuality. You see, Jesus was just the earthly Incarnation of the eternal Son of God, part of the triune Godhead. Simply put, he was God. The Holy Spirit, who inspired Scripture, was/ is also God. (Don't worry if you don't understand the Trinity. No one does.) So Jesus did say homosexuality was wrong, since he was the same one who inspired the Bible.

Next objection, please.

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