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25 November 2015

We have been united as follows concerning shepherds in the church of God

The Schleitheim Confesion is very concerned with the separation of the people of God from the world, so it makes perfect sense that it would be worried about that of pastors. This article makes it clear that it is.

I'm actually torn on this one. While it is clear about pastors deriving all their incomes from their flocks, I haven't found that to be a New Testament concept. It's a reminder that creeds, confessions, and statements of faith are manmade and fallible.

 V. We have been united as follows concerning shepherds in the church of God. The shepherd in the church shall be a person according to the rule of Paul, fully and completely, who has a good report of those who are outside the faith. The office of such a person shall be to read and exhort and teach. warn, admonish, or ban in the congregation, and properly to preside among the sisters and brothers in prayer, and in the breaking of bread, and in all things to take care of the body of Christ, that it may be built up and developed, so that the name of God might be praised and honored through us, and the mouth of the mocker be stopped.

He shall be supported, wherein he has need, by the congregation which has chosen him, so that he who serves the gospel can also live therefrom, as the Lord has ordered. But should a shepherd do something worthy of reprimand, nothing shall be done with him without the voice of two or three witnesses. If they sin they shall be publicly reprimanded, so that others might fear.

But if the shepherd should be driven away or led to the Lord by the cross, at the same hour another shall be ordained to his place, so that the little folk and the little flock of God may not be destroyed, but be preserved by warning and be consoled.

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