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30 August 2016

Review: MARTYR'S MIRROR by Thielman van Braght

I once read that every Mennonite home had a copy of the Bible and one of the Martyr's Mirror. That said, this is an even older Dutch book, which was definitely a product of its times.

It is not, as I'd thought, just a lot of names of martyrs through the ages with a particular.focus on the Anabaptists. Between the martyrologies, though, are several chapters apparently meant to be educational. These are often polemics against whoever opposed them, which for the Dutch Anabaptists meant pretty much everybody. This is a particularly anti-Roman book. 

I don't recommend it. I understand that it's a valuable historical document and I'm glad I read it, but I don't see doing it again. There are better martyrologies out there, and better screeds.

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