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29 July 2014

The Old Testament

like i said, the Old Testament is just the history of ancient Israel.

Genesis spends 11 chapters on world history and39 chapters on the first four members of the Israelites nation. Exodus tells how they left Egypt and givs instructions for building the tabernacle, their place of worship. Leviticus and Numbers give the Israelite law and tell of their 40 years of wandering, while Deuteronomy is a restatement of the law for a new generation about to enter the land God had promised back in Genesis.

Joshua tells about the conquest and distribution of that land and Judges tells the sad story of what they did once they had it. Ruth is a short book that takes place near the end of Judges. The two books of Samuel are about the beginning of the monarchy and the first two kings of  Israel, Saul and David, and the two books of Kings dead with David's soon Solomn, the bsplit of the kingdom, and the kings of both kingdoms, while Chronicles -- both books -- covers the same ground, but with an emphasis on the southern kingdom of Jydah and the priesthood.

Job is a book about the of God. Psalms was the songbook of ancient Israel. Proverbs is attributed to Solomon (mostly), as are Ecclesiastes and the Song of Songs, also called the Song of Solomon. They are a collection of wise sayings, a meditation on life, and a love poem, respectively.

 Ther rest of the Old Testament is the prophets, who both foretold the future and called Israel to repent and follow the law. Isaiah_Danielare known as theMajor Prophets, more because their books are longer than because their prophecies were more important. The rest are called Minor Proophets.

And it's all true.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Chris for bringing out the memories of Old Testament. I loved reading Bibles (both old and new editions). It is so surprising to know that changes that our new editions of bible having. Easy to understand and so many quick references available throughout the online stores are making it interesting to read Bible to younger generation as well.

    New American Catholic Bible
