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05 August 2015

2Chronicles 4

A lot has been made of the size of the sea in this chapter.

It's described as ten cubits across and thirty around. That's mathematically impossible, so some people reject the Bible because it gets the facts wrong, which would be a very good reason for rejecting it. However,let's look at it another way. Both of my brothers are 6'1". But are they both exactly 73in. tall? Probably not. It's probably also not exactly 7000 miles from Norfolk, Virginia to Bahrain, but round numbers are easier to say and are precise enough for most purposes. And the sea was about 30 cubits around.

1 comment:

  1. Very good point, Chris. I would also note that pi is required to calculate the circumference & it's decimal digits are infinite in number & nonrepeatable, which is another reason for rounding as well as evidence of God's frustration of the "Intelligent".
