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07 August 2015

What I have learned from the Bible

I don't reread a lot of why do i keep reading the Bible even though I've read it a half dozen times already? The clichéd answer is that I learn something new every time, but let's remember that cliches only become cliches by being true. That said,  here are a few things I've picked up 

We're all sinners
Sin is just disobedience to God, and we've all done it. From Genesis 3 onward the Bible either tells about sin, calls people back from sin, or describes what God will do to those who sin. This was reinforced by my daughters; no one had to teach them to sin. It just came naturally.

Jesus Christ is the only one who can deliver us from sin 
Buddha can't save you. Neither can Mohammed, Arjumna, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster. More importantly, they didn't claim to. Jesus was the only person to reasonably say that he was able to forgive offensive against God, and that's always been managed's biggest problem.

Heaven and Hell are real 
The Bible doesn't waste any time proving the existence of God. From the very first verse, it's just assumed. Similarly, while you can learn a good bit about both Heaven and Hell from the Scriptures, you won't find single compact, cogent argument for either. They're assumed.

There's a lot more, but I think that's enough for now.

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