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02 May 2016

Welcome, and a little about me and the blog

If you're new here, I want to welcome you. If you're not, I want to welcome you back. I took about a month and a half off from this blog, but I'm back, which is better than the movie We're Back!, if only because it's shorter.

I'm 41 and I from Birmingham, Alabama. I have a beautiful wife and two gorgeous daughters and I'm so crazy in love with all of them it's not even funny. I also have both of my parents, two brothers and a sister, and about a thousand nieces, nephews, in-laws, and cousins. Foremost, though, I'm a Christian who tries to obey the New Testament explicitly. That means I'll offend you at some point, but it's never because I want to, or out of hatred.

The blog has settled into a schedule I try to keep. Mondays I write whatever I want. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays I post book reviews, though if I ever catch up that'll go back to just Fridays . Wednesdays are what I call New Believers' Days. I try to give a little bit of basic teaching on something I think Christians should know about. Saturdays are for catching up and working on other things, and Sundays I rest and don't try to do anything productive. And every weekday I read a chapter of the Bible and write about it. It's not a commentary, devotional, or summary; it's just what goes through my mind as I read.

If for some reason you want more, I also post something every Saturday morning on The Bible Exchange ( and I write humor at COBRASAURUS!!!!! (

Oh, and in early 2013 I had a stroke and have been paralyzed from the eyeballs down since. I forgot to say something about that.

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